There are 5 stages of TMD. The ideal time to begin treatment and achieve the best results is in Stage 1 or 2. Each patient’s treatment plan will depend on their symptoms and how severe their TMJ disorder is. We always explore conservative, non-surgical treatment options first and do our best to avoid surgery.
TMJ Treatment
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Sep & Dr. Rondeau
Visit our London, Ontario Office for Effective TMJ Treatment
If you or your dentist suspects a problem with your TM joints, we can confirm with our non-invasive diagnostic process that includes:
Treatment Options
Lower Daytime Appliance
Clicking and popping sounds are resolved with a lower appliance that you will wear over your back teeth, even while eating, to move the lower jaw to the correct position. This custom made lower appliance corrects the bite and eliminates the unpleasant clicking sounds and eliminates many of the unpleasant TMJ symptoms. Over time, the lower appliance moves the jaw forward to its correct, pain free position.
Upper Nighttime Appliance
If you clench or grind your teeth at night, you will have to wear a nighttime appliance that will reduce the pain and tension in your head and neck muscles. A sign that you are clenching and grinding at night is that the patient wakes up with headaches. The standard upper nightguard taught in most dental schools is not correct treatment for patient who have clicking jaws. The patients actually clench more with the standard upper nightguard. Our office has a special designed nightguard designed so the back teeth do not touch which prevents clenching and grinding and morning headaches.