Bad Habits That Affect TMJ
Everyone has good and bad habits. We have to hope that our good habits outweigh the bad and that our bad habits don’t cause damage or discomfort. Unfortunately, if you suffer from TMJ disorder, there are certain habits that can cause your symptoms to flare up. It can be hard to break bad habits, especially if they are things that you have been doing for many years, but to help your overall health, it is in your best interest to make some changes, even though they may be difficult. Here are some habits that may cause problems with TMJ:
Nail Biting and Using Teeth as Tools
The pressure that your teeth and jaw feel when you bite on hard items such as your fingernails, ice, tags, and other things that should not be in your mouth can affect the jaw muscles. Over time, this pressure can lead to discomfort and problems not only with TMJ but with your oral health as well.
Many people are surprised to learn that slouching can affect TMJ. Slouching can add pressure to the neck, shoulders, and back. You may feel this if you work long hours in a sitting position or at a computer.
Grinding Your Teeth
Unfortunately, many people who grind their teeth are unaware until they are told by a medical professional. Teeth grinding can cause pain and tenderness in the jaw. The tension can also cause severe headaches and lead to serious dental problems.
Taking Large Bites of Food
Unfortunately, eating in certain ways, like habitually taking big bites of food, can affect your jaw muscles and add to any discomfort you may be experiencing. We recommend cutting food into smaller bites to save some work for your jaw.
Please be honest with our team if you have any habits that could be bad for your TMD. We want to have all the information possible to be sure your treatment plan is working. If you have any questions about your TMJ condition, be sure to contact our London, Ontario office. We look forward to hearing from you soon!